Apr 9, 2021

7 Signs Your Porsche May Need a New Car BatteryYour vehicle’s battery keeps you moving and all the electrical components in your vehicle functioning optimally. A healthy battery is vital to avoid sudden breakdowns when you least expect it. Luckily there are a few helpful signs that will warn you that it’s time to get a new car battery before you get stuck next to the road.

1. Battery Light Is On

When the battery light on your vehicle’s dashboard is illuminated, it could mean that it’s time to get a new battery. It could also indicate that there is another electrical problem. When the battery lights stay on, ask your technician to do an inspection.

2. Dim Headlights

When you suddenly notice that your headlights are dimmer than they used to be, it could be that your battery is causing the problem. Ask your technician to take a look before your car starts having trouble starting.

3. Problems With the Electrics

When you have trouble with any electrical component in your vehicle, it could be caused by the battery. The electrical components need your vehicle’s battery to function. If the windows or windshield wipers are slower than usual, it might be time to replace the battery.

4. The Battery Case Is Damaged

If you look at the battery case and it’s damaged in any way, get it replaced as soon as possible. If you see the battery case is swollen, this could be caused by extreme hot or cold temperatures. In time the battery will definitely stop working. Have the battery replaced asap before you can’t get your vehicle to start.

5. An Old Battery

Batteries don’t last forever, and they need to be replaced from time to time. The life of a battery is around four to five years, but driving habits and the temperature also play a part in how long your vehicle’s battery will last. If you are not sure how old your vehicle’s battery is, the manufacturing date is on the battery case. Our best advice is to ask your technician to perform a battery test to determine if you need a new battery.

6. It’s Difficult To Start Your Vehicle

When you have trouble starting your vehicle, it’s a sign that you probably need a new battery. Your engine needs power from your battery, and when the engine is slow to crank, the cause could be a dying battery. Ask your technician to inspect your battery before you get stranded, and your car won’t start at all.

7. You Hear a Clicking Sound

If you didn’t have your battery checked out, eventually you will hear a rapid clicking sound when you turn the key in the ignition, and your car won’t start at all. The battery doesn’t have enough power to start the engine.

The above warning signs will help you determine when it’s time to replace your vehicle’s battery. If you suspect your car’s battery needs to be replaced, don’t delay –  visit Porsche Chantilly today. Our skilled technicians will inspect and test your battery and ensure that your Porsche is in excellent running condition and help test and replace your battery.

Image courtesy of pixabay.com