Jan 26, 2024
Porsche Car Engine Flush

​​​​​​​​​​​Your Porsche is powered by a superb engine, and you want to keep it in great condition. Oil circulates through your engine, lubricating components as it moves. This oil helps to prevent rust and break down engine deposits. Depending on your driving preferences and how often your oil is changed, you might need a car engine flush. As your Porsche dealer, we want to tell you more about how this process can improve your engine performance.

Advice From Your Porsche Dealer: What Is a Car Engine Flush?

Why Do You Need One?

As oil moves through your engine, it absorbs dirt, metallic fragments, and other debris. The oil passes through the oil filter, which traps the debris and effectively removes it from your engine. Engine oil needs to be changed regularly, as older oil becomes thicker and slower. Older oil loses many of its benefits and can harm your engine in time.

Older oil allows debris to build up in your engine, and some of the oil even mixes with the debris to form a sludge. This sludge will cause engine blockages. Replacing the oil and the filter isn’t enough to fix this problem alone, as the sludge must be chemically broken down and removed by an engine flush.

How Does It Work?

Our technicians will examine your engine, and we have three different methods of clearing your engine. The exact method we use depends on the situation in your engine. These are the three ways we can flush your engine.

Test Drive

We’ll drain some of the oil from your engine, and then add a non-solvent chemical to the remaining oil. One of our Porsche-trained technicians will drive your car for a short drive to allow the chemicals to thoroughly circulate through your engine. The chemical breaks down the deposits, which are then absorbed by the oil and trapped by the filter. We then remove and replace the filter, drain your oil, and refill the engine with fresh oil.


We remove some of your oil and add chemicals, but instead of taking your Porsche for a test drive, we idle your engine for up to 10 minutes. This allows the chemicals to circulate and break down the engine deposits. Once again, we’ll replace the filter, drain the oil completely, and refill with new oil.


This method involves draining your oil completely, then refilling your engine with fresh oil and the chemicals. The process then works exactly as above methods. After the chemicals have done their work, we’ll drain your oil again and replace it with fresh oil. We’ll also remove and replace the oil filter.

After an engine flush, your engine will feel like new again. Call our service department today at Porsche Chantilly.